Wednesday, October 7, 2020


I watched a presentation on the FDA website by Kezia Williams, head of theatrical distribution at Pathe. She talked about how distributors work to create a successful new marketing campaign for each film, on the film distributors' association site. It was also explained by Chris Besseling, Director of Marketing at Pathe, that distributors market a film's USP (Unique Selling Point) such as its star cast, its provenance, its awards and good reviews to bring positive attention to the film.

I decided to research the distribution of Tenet. This is because Tenet was realised when the UK was in lockdown. Therefore, I was interested to see how much of their marketing would be digital. Tenet is an Action/Sci-Fi that was released on the 12th August 2020. My interest in Tenet sparked because I have enjoyed films directed by Christopher Nolan in the past: Dunkirk, The Dark Knight, Interstellar and Inception, all of which are critically acclaimed productions.

I investigated the different aspects of a marketing campaign and film distribution for this film. This consisted of film posters; the film website; film trailers; social medias such as Facebook; Twitter and Instagram as well as magazine articles; interviews.  


  1. Good work: your research into how distributors handled the marketing for Tenet revealed a variety of platforms including the website, posters, magazine articles, FB, Instagram and Twitter. Next step: a brief account.

  2. Your completed work is clear and full.
