Tuesday, May 11, 2021


We started filming on 10/12/2020 in the school drama department. For context this scene was the interrogation of Herbert, Alan and Kieran. The scene was set in an underground chamber with limited lighting. The three suspects were being interrogated by a hologram of Inspector Thorne. As this was our first time filming a scene for our opening sequence as expected not everything went to plan. With limited space in the drama room, we found it difficult to get a variety of camera shots and angle. Therefore, we felt this might hinder the look of our final production. As well as limited space we found that the lighting was also beginning to be a problem as we couldn’t achieve the level of lighting we wanted initially. Although we could have made the room very dark, the camera would not have picked up everyone very clearly.

Although none of the clips from this filming session will be used in our opening sequence, it does not mean that this session was a waste. This filming session allowed us to work with lighting and gain a better understanding of how to use lighting to good effect. We decided we want to use natural lighting to create a more realistic appeal to our film opening. Another positive that came from this session was the construction of our characters. Whilst filming we were able to critique and adjust how we want to represent each one of our characters. As a result, we are all far more confident in how we can portray a realistic representation of our roles.

After consideration as a group, we decided it would be best to no longer have an interrogation scene in our production.

1 comment:

  1. Reflections on both the shooting of the interview scene and the content. You observe that the shoot was not wasted effort because you learned about lighting. You might also have commented on the rather rigid framing of the shots and the lack of interest in the set.
